Iron Sharpens Iron - Discipline Over Motivation 24/7

Iron Sharpens Iron

“I noticed, even though I was trying to change my life, the old me was sitting in the passenger seat trying to give me directions on how to get back to the life I just left.”  That was a journal entry from 2014 when I first started planting the seeds of personal growth.  Writing down our thoughts and getting them on paper is one of the most powerful tools we can use for personal growth.  It gives us the ability to reflect and process our thoughts in a different light.  Looking back at the timing of that entry is something special. 

I was doing the work, but not yet seeing the results; no fruit to harvest from the newly planted seeds, simply because it hadn’t been long enough for them to grow. We all have an identity, the inner conversation on who we think we are.  The mask that we choose to show others is part of that identity as well. That is what truly shapes our lives on a subconscious level.

The things that we choose to mentally consume have a big influence on our identity.  When I listened to negative violent music 24/7 guess what my mentality reflected?  When I switched to audiobooks and podcasts from people that had what I wanted, things began to move in another direction.  Have you ever listened to your inner conversation?  I used to say extremely negative hurtful things to myself. Worse than that, I used to say them out loud.  Never give birth to negative self-belief by letting the words escape your mouth.  

When we speak, we plant seeds.  If you learn this, it could be the start of a better life.  Understanding how powerful the subconscious mind is of the utmost importance.  I was thinking back to a conversation that I had with a previous coach, and I realized that I gave that person too much influence for too long.  At a certain point in the conversation, he had made the statement “Maybe you just don’t have what it takes” and I allowed the words “Maybe you are right” escape my mouth. Looking back at that moment angers me for the simple fact that I allowed that to happen.

Never give anyone the power to speak that type of poison into your life and never under any circumstance agree with them.  Developing a winning mental attitude, like anything else, is a skill.  Most people fall into the trap of believing that they have no control over what they aim their mind at, but they are mistaken. It is a never-ending battle filled with many adversaries on the path.  

The circle of influence we choose proves pivotal in this ongoing battle. Selecting companions aligned with our core values or possessing traits we aspire to acquire steers us in the right direction. As Larry Di Angelo aptly puts it, "Life is a grindstone – it can either polish you or it can pulverize you depending on how you position yourself." Surrounding ourselves with those who share our vision ensures a sharpening effect, a mutual growth as iron sharpens iron. However, staying vigilant is crucial, as mismatched companions may dull our progress.

The skills we develop in our personal growth journey become tools not only for self-betterment but also for reaching back and aiding others in breaking free from self-imposed limitations. Embracing a mindset where lessons learned are shared, rather than hoarded, transforms each experience into a steppingstone toward collective growth."



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