How much does your TV truly cost you? - Discipline Over Motivation 24/7

How much does your TV truly cost you?

My wife and I have reduced TV time in our home a few times in the past. Each time we make the decision, I feel a sense of FOMO. I asked myself at the start of this year, are these shows really that important to us and how we live our lives? The next statement out of my mouth was cut that **** out! I've developed the habit of going with my gut reaction and I canceled our frequently used streaming service that day; it’s as simple as that. Next, I created a list of requirements that I must meet before my leisure time.

How much does watching TV cost? Sure, we all spend money on streaming services, Internet or cable and they add up to a pretty penny, but I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about things that are much more significant. How many of us are guilty of grabbing a TV tray, sitting down to enjoy our favorite show as we scarf down our dinner, just to get a little break before we get back to work? I admit I am guilty of this before retreating into my office to get back to business. I realized that even though we were sitting together to watch the show, it was not quality time with my wife; the cost of being entertained by mindless shows was at the expense of precious time with my spouse.

It never ceases to amaze me that each time we reduce or eliminate watching television, our productivity explodes.  We sit down and discuss our goals together and then it’s off to the races! We have leaps and bounds in all areas that we focus on. Three days in and we have literally accomplished what would have taken us two weeks. I was slipping in ways I had not even realized and have since improved, simply because I am not escaping to TV land when I have a break. 

By nature, humans seek entertainment. Learning to notice that we are spending our most priceless gift, time, watching someone else live their lives on the mush machine now seems to be a bit of a waste. If you are reading this and feel that this may be you too, I challenge you, dear friend, reduce the couch time. This is a lot coming from me; you should see the size of my movie collection! Spend more quality time with loved ones and friends, go for a walk outdoors, or read that book you keep telling yourself you will get around to when you have a moment. Work on refining that skill you may have allowed to die. Revive your life!  It is the age of information, and you can get online to learn how to start a new business in an evening or weekend.  Give it a go for 90 days and make sure to track your progress.  That may seem like a long time, but if you are on “The Path”, you know so much is possible in a short time of consistent and focused activity. 

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