Hold The Line - Discipline Over Motivation 24/7

Hold The Line

We all encounter things daily that we disagree with. In today's world, the conversation often centers on diversity, inclusion, and tolerance. While these values are important, each individual must establish their own boundaries.

Someone once accused me of being intolerant, but in my view, I tolerate too much, as do many of us. We walk on eggshells, trying not to offend in this overly sensitive culture. How did we arrive at a point where our most prominent discussions focus on what divides us rather than what unites us?

On Resurrection Day 2024, I made a decision. I will not remain silent about things I disagree with. Tolerating things we don't agree with is not virtuous; it signifies a lack of resolve to stand up for our beliefs. Societies that lack the will and means to do so ultimately bow to tyranny.

At some point, we must draw the line and not give up an inch. I urge you, dear reader, to make that day today. Today is day one, and "one day" is never the right answer.

Hold the line, my friend.


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